L.E. Gibler
Events & Workshops
Obviously nothing in person planned for the current future - but there will be virtual events happening this year!
Book Signing
When / Where:
TBD - Maybe by end of 2022???

It's finally time to bite the bullet and get out into the world to share what has been created. The wheels have been set in motion, with the hope of a final product by the end of NaNoWriMo. Keep in mind to come say 'hi'!

Visit to the Point Defiance Zoo

When / Where:
DONE! But, honestly, isn't this a great pic?
In honor of my upcoming novel, Charlie's Monsters, I visited the the clouded leopard cubs at the Point Definace Zoo - want to know why? Take a peak at the book! (excerpt coming soon)
National Novel Writing Month
November, every year
Come participate with thousands of other writers as we struggle to squeeze in 50,000 words in a month around otherwise hectic lives. Join your local chapter, enjoy web based challenges, and more. It truly is one of the more inspiring things to do for aspiring writers.